Ranked #1 Soccer Club in Ottawa

National Capital Fall Classic

National Capital Fall Classic

The National Capital Fall Classic is the perfect way to finish off the outdoor season with competitive games, in a well organized event with great facilities.

Festival Date: Saturday October 4th - Boys , Sunday October 5th -Girls 

U13 and above Tournament Dates: Saturday, October 4th, Sunday,October 5th 

Festival Format

  • 2 or 3 game Festival Format (all taking place on one day) depending on number of entered teams.
    In either format, teams will be allotted the maximum number of minutes permitted for a festival
  • Schedules will be available approximately 7-10 days in advance of the event
  • U8 is 5v5 & 30 minute games
  • U9-U10 is 7v7
    2 game format - 50 minute games ( 25 min halves)
    3 game format - 40 minute games (20 min. halves)  
  • U11-U12 is 9v9
    2 game format - 70 minute games (35 min. halves )
    3 game format - 50 minute games (25 min. halves)  

U13 and above  Tournament Event

  • Will consist of a round-robin format, played over both days, with a minimum of 3 group games + playoffs on Sunday
  • Round robin games are 2x30 minutes
  • Play-off games, including the finals are 2x30 minutes
  • If a playoff game (including the finals) are tied at the end of regulation, it goes immediately to FIFA penalty kicks (5 shooters per team to start)
  • The event will be tiered, subject to the number of applicants in each division


  • U8 Teams - $325
  • U9-U12 Teams - $450
  • U13+ Teams - $695

Tournament Director Contact Information

Jim Lianos: / 613-266-1224

Team Manager Information

Team Check in Information
For teams participating in the OSU National Capital Fall Classic, teams are required to do an electronic check-in.

ONTARIO teams are required to submit an official Ontario Soccer Roster, for Proof of Player Registration.
a Festival Roster signed by the Club and including each player's Full Name, Date of Birth and Ontario Soccer ( OS ) number,
along with a confirmation that all players have been approved to play in OS soccer for the current outdoor season.

QUEBEC teams are required to submit an official Roster including each player's Full Name, Date of Birth and Association Player Number.

All teams must have a certified coach on the bench at all times.
Travel Permits

  • Out of town teams MUST provide us with a travel permit from their home district / province by no later than September 15

Game Sheets

  • We will print each team all their game sheets and provide them to you.
What you require for the team check in?
  • Ontario Soccer Team roster or equivalent from your provincial body.
  • Player books or player cards for each player and team official.( does not apply to Ontario Teams for U9-U12.
  • Out of town teams require a travel permit from their Association 

Note: Without the items outlined above players will not be able to participate in the event.


  • All teams MUST register ON-LINE through our website ( link can be found at the top of this page )
  • Once registered please email us and let us know what Tier you would like to place your team. Tier 1 or Tier 1 ( Tier 1 is the highest competition) 
  • Registration fee is due upon registration.
  • Payment can be made by:
    E-Transfer to: ( preferred option) 
    Password: osusoccer
  • Registration Deadline: September 18th
  • Teams will NOT be considered accepted until full payment of festival fee is received.
  • The person listed as the Primary contact when registering your team online will be receiving all communications.
  • Number of divisions per age group will be determined by the number of teams entered for the event.
  • Festival will try to match teams of similar caliber at its sole discretion, but reserves the right to combine levels as required for scheduling purposes.
  • Schedules and results will be posted online on the festival website 7-10 days before the start of the festival.
  • Festival reserves the right to make schedule changes if warranted.


  • Refunds will be refunded in full to teams that are not accepted to the festival.
  • No refunds will be granted to teams that have already been accepted in the festival.



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