Force Academy Team Manager Resources
The Role of the Team Manager
- highly valued member of the club
- important to the overall success of the team
- appreciated by the coaches, players and parents
Meetings for More Detailed Information and Discussions
OSU is committed to meeting with team managers each Spring to review upcoming key information, as well as to establish a network of managers throughout the club. Detailed information will be available through your coordinator by March each year.
Club Contacts for Information
- general inquiries - contact the Programs Manager -
- registration and travel permits - contact the Registrar -
- field and indoor permits - contact the OSU Fields Assignor -
OSU Team Manager/Administrator Guide
Paperwork to Be Completed:
- For Managers: OS Waiver Form
- For Coaches: OS Waiver Form
Equipment Pick-Up
- Will be scheduled for the first week of May, a representative from your team will need to attend. It is a good idea to leave some money in your budget for replacing things like straps, tape etc for your nets.
- Equipment is returned in September to the club, you will be notified of the drop-off dates.
Team Benches
We ask that each team buys a team bench (6 seater). This bench will stay with the team as they move forward. If the team already has a bench, then it does not need to be included in the budget. They are readily available online or in some soccer specific stores. For assistance, let us know if you cannot locate.
Medical Kit
We ask that all teams have a budget for a medical kit for their team. A great one is available at Costco for approximately $30 and stays with the team for the course of the season. A designated “trainer” is not mandatory, but if someone identifies themselves, it is a good role to fulfill.
Managers Tasks and Key Roles
Ensure the team is properly registered for any festivals
Help share club information on to parents
Liaise with coach about upcoming events, schedules – work together
You will be assigned set training and home game fields from May 15th until September. In the case that you need to make up a game, please contact Janice (OSU FIelds Assignor) at to ensure that your field (or another OSU field) may be available for the given date. We are not allowed on city fields until May 15th as per city policy.
League Website and Team Activation / Playing-Up Permits
Each team will need to “Activate” on the league website. You will be sent this information later in the month of April.
Playing-Up Permits:
This is done in conjunction with the club, coach and coordinator
The team coach communicates with the sending coach and then you can initiate the request in the ERSL System
If a player is joining you from within the age group, 'i.e. from Rage to Power' they will be available for you to select in the age group roster
Playing Out Policy
Playing out of the club is not permitted, this includes all soccer related programs
Players are committed to play within OSU until the Fall, where players are then free to seek other opportunities if they are unhappy
Each Manager should have a unique “non-playing” member account on TeamSnap. You will be able to use it for the following purposes:
Add (and cancel) team events – you can repeat training for the season
Track attendance and availability ** very important
Communicate to the team
Also can be used for social functions with the team
Setting up a vacation schedule is also very important for your team! Have the individuals mark their absences on TeamSnap
Gamesheets and OS Roster
Team rosters are only required for a festival
Each team should always have an age group roster at a game – available from the Club Registrar
Tournaments and Festivals
- To be determined in conjunction with the Age Group Coordinator and Coach, prior to the start of the season
Summer Camps
are included for Force Academy Players in the Black/White & Blue/Silver programs (set week)
are optional for Force Academy Iron/Steel program players
work on a 3-year cycle (new cycle beginning in Fall 2022)
Ensure no number conflicts exist within the age group
Uniform Policy –
Please contact your age group coordinator for a copy of the uniform policy and expectations
Exhibition Games
should always be approved first by program coordinator to ensure they are sanctioned and permissible to participate in
internal OSU games do not need program approval
Each player needs to get their EODSA Card done.
Players in U12 and below may need a card if they are travelling to an event outside of Ontario. (If you are unsure, please ask the club, to discuss with the event organizer)
Once complete, it would stay with the team manager for the season.
Here is the information:
Team Budget and Team Bank Accounts
In order to get a team bank account, you will need two co-signors and then contact to get an official bank letter.
Funds to be collected:
- equal share per family of the team budget for the season
Budget Items:
This is a sample, which should be used for reference, once you have your team budget put together based on variables, please confirm with your program coordinator:
TEAM FEES (Collected by Manager) |
Budget |
Notes |
Festival #1 |
300.00 |
Festival #2 |
300.00 |
Festival #3 |
300.00 |
Medical Kit |
35.00 |
Team Bench |
150.00 |
Team Social |
300.00 |
Total, based on 12 players |
Team Slush for incidentals and bank fees |
360.00 |
Total, based on 12 players |
Total Team Fees |
1,745.00 |
Number of Players |
12.00 |
Total, based on 12 players |
Team Fees per Player |
146.00 |
Game Day Expectations
Ensure that all gamesheets are prepared in advance of the game
Ensure that all parents, players and coaches are aware of the code of conduct for game-day
Be ready to present to the referee
Work with the coach to let them know of any absences, late arrivals etc
Organize snacks, if there is a desire from the team to do so (not mandatory)
Once the game starts, the manager should be on the parent’s side of the field, the coach, assistant should be the only individuals on the bench
Interaction with Parents
Help refer parents on to the appropriate individual within OSU as questions come up
Help alert your coordinator of any concerns that may arise
The coach is at the field to coach – the manager will assist administratively to allow them to focus on working with the players