Ranked #1 Soccer Club in Ottawa

President's Message

President's Message

President's Message

When Ottawa South United (OSU) was created in 2003, through the merger of Osgoode Rideau Soccer   Association and South Nepean United, it had two very simple objectives:

  • A. to change the then existing soccer  delivery model so that OSU players can reach their maximum potential and
  • B. to be the first soccer club to introduce professional management and soccer program practices in the Ottawa soccer community, so to   ensure the first objective of successful player development was met in a sustainable manner.

By any standard of measurement these objectives have been achieved. Apart from being recognized by the Ontario Soccer Association as Ottawa’s first Gold Award soccer club and creating modern technical and physical infrastructure, our players and teams have achieved unparalleled and significant: Professional, National, Provincial, University and local success. 

This is all attributed to the passionate volunteers and professional staff who have dedicated themselves over many years in continuing to improve OSU and creating a continuous culture of excellence. In addition, OSU has established formal domestic and global soccer alliances and has recruited the required coaching and management expertise to provide the best possible development environment, and the best possible growth opportunities for our players and coaches.

OSU is organized in a manner to ensure a place for all soccer playing individuals whatever your age, skill or objectives are for playing this wonderful game. 

Our high performance Force Academy development program is recognized, through its many achievements, as one of the very best in Canada, and our development programs and relentless drive to be the best at soccer,  attracts players from all of over Ottawa, Quebec, Kingston and from all over Eastern Ontario

Having been immersed in the sport from a very young age, I am a true believer that we can change people’s lives through soccer and therefore have a positive impact in our greater community. I feel privileged to be part of OSU since its conception and see our young players and teams flourish over the years. Our relentless pursuit for excellence and the joy that soccer brings will continue for years to come.

Come and see the OSU difference for yourself.

Bill Michalopulos

President, OSU

